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Too Much Time On Our Hands

So we had a gig on Friday night at Havana Springs Resort. It was a charity event where everyone came out and played casino games inside. We played outside. It was our 1st gig NOT at 'Off The Rail's pub in Havana. Not knowing what to expect with having to move everything in a trailer (that Vic Vicers was nice enough to loan us), we decided to get an early start. Our gig started at 7 pm, but we were done setting up all the equipment and with sound checks at 4:30 pm. Hmm. What do band members do while waiting to perform? Drink beer! Yep, we had waaaaaaayyyyy too much time on our hands before we started the 1st song. By the time we all got around to performing, there were a few of us who were no longer - how do I put this - at our best. But since it was very cold outside and almost everyone was inside playing craps. blackjack or poker, nobody really noticed. There really wasn't anyone outside listening to us. Well, except for my mother-in-law. She froze out there supporting us - bless her heart.

Okay, one more band lesson learned. Obviously, you want to give yourself ample time to get setup, but too much time is just as bad. Ooops.

In all fairness to us, we weren't really that bad and it turned out to be a beautiful evening to play. I'm not sure our hearts were in it though since there was virtually nobody outside listening. Everyone paid $100 to gamble inside, not freeze outside on cold benches.

Our next gig is April 12 at Oyster City Brewery in Collegetown. We are working hard on new songs which we think the younger generation will enjoy. We have to get our set list close to 30 songs if we are going to play for the required 3 hours. We're getting there, but 30 songs is a lot! Lots of practice ahead for the next couple of months.

Bottom line: It was still fun. Nice job band! Looking forward to April! And welcome to our newest band member: Sabrina Smith (Vocalist)

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